Why Aeration? Why Solar? Why LWE?
What is Aeration?
Aeration is necessary to create and maintain a healthy body of water. In the United States, there are over 2.1 million ponds, according to the Introduction of Agriculture Handbook 509. Around the world, there are 304 million ponds and lakes.
Everyone wants ponds that are clear, with healthy fish, and visited by different animals. However, typical ponds can be very murky, have strong smells, and can harm wildlife. Many things can cause this to happen:
- Pollution
- Stagnated Water
- Lack of Oxygen
- Exacerbated by warm weather and low precipitation/airflow
The best way to fix this is with aeration which will add oxygen into the water and break up the layers. This action is similar to CPR, in which it revives an unhealthy pond or lake and helps maintain its ecosystem.
What is Solar Aeration?
Regular aeration with A/C power or solar energy attached to a battery can be very dangerous. Dangers include:
- Long power lines that can be damaged over time
- Battery decaying
- Electrocution in water
Solar Aeration can provide your lake with a safe and cost-effective method to maintain your pond or lake. By harnessing the power of the sun, our products are able to fully aerate your lake or pond during the hours it needs aeration the most.
Why LWE Solar?
We are industry-leading in innovation for our solar-powered products. With multiple vendors all across Texas and sales across North America, our products are efficient, long-lasting, and quality tested.
- Our patent-pending technology is low voltage, providing safety for you and other living things that interact with your pond.
- The green technology allows you to conserve energy, prevent battery decaying, and place the aeration system far from your power lines.
- Its high efficiency comes from the integrated solar Max Power Tracking and advanced BLDC/linear Motor control with greater than 95% efficiency..